It takes time to create documents. If you wishto transfer or return to Japan (including temporary return), please inform theschool as soon as possible.
Inquiries: City Hall School EducationDivision 0532-51-2817
City hall homepage ↓
The specific procedure is as follows.
① I want totransfer other school outside Toyohashi City! I want to go back to my homecountry!
STEP1 [Citizen's Division of City Hall]
Procedures for address transfer and schooltransfer.
STEP2 [Current school]
Take the documents you received in STEP 1,bring them and prepare the necessary documents at your current school.
STEP3 [Municipal office for changeresidence]
Submit a new address and complete theaddress transfer procedure for elementary and junior high schools.
② I want totransfer to a school in Toyohashi City!
STEP1 [Citizen's Division of City Hall]
Procedures for address transfer and schooltransfer.
STEP2 [Current school]
Take the documents you received in STEP 1and have them prepare the necessary documents at your current school.
STEP3 [School transfer to]
Go to a new school with the documents youreceived in STEP 1 and 2.
③ I want toreturn to Japan! I want to transfer to a Brazilian school!
STEP1 [Current school]
The procedure for declining schoolattendance was completed and the necessary documents were prepared.